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How the smallest insects make the biggest impact

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

Insects are usually considered as enemies on humans. From a long time we have been killing, chasing and driving them away from their homes. We chase them out of their homes and construct buildings in which they come to live in. We chase them out again. The world today uses all the technology to kill them.

“Life is not the unique property of Earth, nor the shape of human beings. It takes many forms, forms that would seem bizarre to humans, like humans are bizarre to other life forms”

We use pesticides everywhere and also many other means to kill them. Perhaps while killing them, we are forgetting that we are living in this world only because of them, the balance they give to the environment is really great.

Why do we need insects?

Earthworms are capable of keeping the soil aerated. They also add humus to the soil. Without these little worms no plants will be able to survive on this Earth, which means no other forms of life other than some bacteria. Bees and butterflies are very important for the pollination to happen, only then will plants continue to live. Some insects help in biodegrading waste we produce every day. They are one of the best waste managers on the planet. Birds eat insects as their food, if their are no insects they can not continue to live. They have a big role to play in balancing the ecosystem. It's time we time that we take some action, stop killing them and start using them.

Note: The ways we can use insects by not killing them will be discussed in the next post.

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